Elections Now!

Good morning ASH members,

It is almost that time of year again, elections time! In less than a week, a Survey Monkey will be send out with candidate biostatements. The active voting period will take place on Survey Monkey between May 2-6th.

Please check out our newsletter "Cutting Lines" Spring 2016 edition for some exciting updates!

As a friendly reminder, the membership year 2016-17 begins soon! To renew memberships or become an active member, please visit our website at:
Membership registration can also be accepted by mail or in person as well. Please see ASH membership form attachment for information if interested in membership registration via mail or in person.

The Summer Symposium of July 22-24th 2016 will entail a vast array of interesting topics not limited, but to include:
Next Generation Histotechnology
Forensics and law
IHC (basics, troubleshooting, microscopy review)
Next Gen Antibodies
GI Pathology
Lung Pathology
Digital Pathology
More updates and details will be provided in the near future.

Please always feel free to check out our website at http://www.azhisto.com/
Any questions or suggestions please let me know.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Best Regards,
