Title: The Use of MTB for differential IHC panels including its use for best QA/QC Joelle Weaver MAOM, HTL(ASAP), Webinar from Indiana This one hour presentation will review basic quality control principles as applied to practice and methods of the performance of immunohistochemistry in the anatomic pathology laboratory. Diverse options are available to identify and utilize MTB control systems. Technical aspects such as how to select material and methods to construct MTB control blocks will be discussed. Literature discussion of the use of MTB blocks and control slides for immunohistochemistry will be introduced to support the discussion of this topic. Examples of the applications of the MTB controls to IHC panels, and testing efficiency will be provided.
Title: HistoQIP: What Is It and How do I Use It? Robert Lott, HTL(ASAP), Roche Tissue Diagnostics, Tucson, AZ For years, every section of the clinical laboratory has had proficiency testing (PT) and educational challenges/surveys, or some other means of objectively evaluating quality and accuracy of its testing except histology. With the introduction of HistoQIP, the Histology Quality Improvement Program, in 2004 the histology laboratory has its own CAP/NSH endorsed proficiency testing program. This workshop consists of a history and explanation of the program, but more importantly focuses on tips and suggestions on how to implement the program into the laboratory’s quality management plan (QMP) and improve daily quality using the materials and resources provided to participants enrolled in the program.
Title: Cancer Immunotherapy and PD-L1 Immunohistochemistry Testing Beth Sheppard, MBA, HT (ASCP), Roche Tissue Diagnostics, Tucson, AZ Cancer immunotherapy uses drugs that target immune system components to treat cancer. The PD-L1 protein is expressed on tumor cells and immune cells, and enables cancer cells to evade the host’s immune system via the apoptosis of T-cell clones, the inhibition of lymphocyte proliferation and T-cell cytokine secretion. PD-L1 expression on tumor cells and/or the tumor-immune infiltrate is part of the predictive model necessary for selecting patients predisposed to respond to monotherapy. Drug indications, both current and expected, are for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Head and Neck Cancer, Bladder Cancer, Melanoma and Renal Cell Carcinoma. This workshop will discuss the mechanisms around blocking the PDL1 pathway, Immunohistochemistry antibodies and the different indications.